We all have The Same 24 Hours in our day. What we DO in those 24 hours, is what makes our greatest health, happiness and success. A show with Meredith Atwood, author of ”The Year of No Nonsense”

Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
REPLAY EPISODE! This episode aired on NEW YEAR'S DAY 2020---what a difference a year makes. Whew.
Pilar Gerasimo is an award-winning health journalist, pioneering social explorer, and author of the forthcoming book, The Healthy Deviant: A Rule-Breaker’s Guide to Being Healthy in an Unhealthy World (North Atlantic Books, January 2020).
Best known for her work as founding editor of Experience Life magazine, which today reaches more than 3 million people globally, Pilar has also served as Chief Creative Officer for the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, and as top health editor for The Huffington Post.
Today, Pilar co-hosts a top-rated weekly podcast called The Living Experiment (with Whole30 co-founder Dallas Hartwig) and serves as a strategic advisor to Brian Johnson’s Optimize Enterprises. She speaks at universities, leads workshops at top retreat centers and consults for organizations committing to transforming health and happiness around the globe.
When she’s not travelling, Pilar hides out on an organic, communal family farm in Wisconsin her goofy pit bull pal, Calvin.
Connect with Pilar:
New Book & Website: www.healthydeviant.com
Twitter: @pgerasimo
Instagram: @pgerasimo
Follow Meredith Atwood & The Podcast on Social:
Web: MeredithAtwood.com
Instagram: @Meredith.Atwood
Buy Meredith’s Books:
The Year of No Nonsense
Triathlon for the Every Woman:
Want to Connect?
Email: same24hourspodcast@gmail.com
Host & Production: Meredith Atwood
Copyright 2017-2020, 2021 All Rights Reserved, Meredith Atwood, LLC