We all have The Same 24 Hours in our day. What we DO in those 24 hours, is what makes our greatest health, happiness and success. A show with Meredith Atwood, author of ”The Year of No Nonsense”

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Garrain Jones: Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Garrain dealt with homelessness for 2 ½ years, living out of his car and feeling like he was drowning in misery, as well as being sent to prison for 2 ½ years. Yet, going through both of those difficulties, and more, he found a way to turn his life around. Garrain’s story is a perfect example of how you can go through so many difficult things in life, but that it doesn’t mean you’ll never find success.
In a place of difficulty, Garrain developed the strength to rescue himself.
Health and fitness play such a big role in his life because he grew up thinking success was in material things. It wasn’t until he got healthy that he started to feel different. Once he started to feel different he then started to think, speak, and act differently. His actions changed based on how he was feeling. “You can only reach a certain level of happiness when you’re not healthy.
There’s no way you can be happy if your heart isn’t healthy!”
6 ½ years after being homeless, Garrain is now a serial entrepreneur who motivates and inspires thousands. The knowledge he gained while being shaped and molded sent him down the pathway to become a Transformation Coach. He is an advocate for living a healthy life, business coach, speaker, and Best Selling Author, “Change Your Mindset Change Your Life.”
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The Year of No Nonsense
Triathlon for the Every Woman:
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Host & Production: Meredith Atwood
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