We all have The Same 24 Hours in our day. What we DO in those 24 hours, is what makes our greatest health, happiness and success. A show with Meredith Atwood, author of ”The Year of No Nonsense”
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Bridget Quinn: Art and Life
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Art and women and women and art. Bridget Quinn is the author of Broad Strokes: 15 Women Who Made Art and Made History (in That Order), which NPR’s Susan Stamberg calls “a terrific essay collection” with “spunky attitudinal, SMART writing,” marking the second time “attitudinal” has been used about Bridget's work (first: Kirkus Reviews, 1996). It is a book about 15 "underknown" women in the history of art, but it's also very much about perseverance and sticking with the hard things. Bridget's own story is woven into the biographies of the 15 women artists. In her life, as a young woman and now as someone who has entered the fifth decade, these women artists were lifelines for her: as inspirations and role models. She calls their art "a balm to [her] soul." Summary: these women are a f*cking big deal even if history hasn't always recognized them enough."
Raised on the high plains of Montana with two sisters, six brothers, a devout mother and a WWII Marine father, in a home surrounded by cows and nuclear missile silos, today Bridget lives in San Francisco with her husband, two children, two dogs and a ridiculous number of bikes. She's a grateful denizen of that lively creative community, the San Francisco Writers' Grotto where she is co-host of the GrottoPod, a lively ongoing conversation on writers and writing: https://www.sfgrotto.org/craft/grottopod/
She's also a triathlete, mom and pretty much awesome person.
Enjoy the show!
Follow Bridget:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bquinnterest
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bquinnterest/
Web: www.bridgetquinnauthor.com
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The Year of No Nonsense
Triathlon for the Every Woman:
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Host & Production: Meredith Atwood
Intro: Carl Stover Music
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