We all have The Same 24 Hours in our day. What we DO in those 24 hours, is what makes our greatest health, happiness and success. A show with Meredith Atwood, author of ”The Year of No Nonsense”
Friday Jan 12, 2018
58: James Lawrence: The Iron Cowboy
Friday Jan 12, 2018
Friday Jan 12, 2018
50 Iron distance races, 50 states, in 50 days. Meredith and James talk about some of the ups and downs of this incredible journey, the TEN YEARS of hard work that happened LONG before the 50-50-50, and Meredith asks him ONE question that he has NEVER been asked before.
Repeatedly mocked for choosing a goal so big, Lawrence took on the challenge of doing 50 Ironman races, in 50 consecutive days, through all 50 US States. His journey will make you laugh, cry and possibly squirm in your seats in disbelief. James lives with his wife, Sunny, and their five children in Utah. After breaking several Guinness World Records, James wondered if he had truly found his mental and physical limits. He knew there was more. Experience firsthand the remarkable journey of James Lawrence and his family.
James is originally From Calgary, Alberta Canada. He grew up a wrestler and later in life became to love endurance racing to escape the hectic routine of Corporate America. After losing everything in 2008, James turned to his new found passion for triathlon racing and went on to break two world records within three years. In 2015 James accomplished the unthinkable despite everyone saying his end goal was impossible. He completed 50 Ironman distance triathlons, in 50 days, in each of the 50 United States -- The 50-50-50.
Follow James on Social:
Web: https://www.ironcowboy.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IronCowboyJames
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The Year of No Nonsense
Triathlon for the Every Woman:
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Host & Production: Meredith Atwood
Intro: Carl Stover Music
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