We all have The Same 24 Hours in our day. What we DO in those 24 hours, is what makes our greatest health, happiness and success. A show with Meredith Atwood, author of ”The Year of No Nonsense”
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
Thursday Apr 04, 2019
At the fundraiser for the IRONMAN Foundation on March 23 in Boston, Mike Reilly and Hunter Allen sat down with Meredith to record a podcast LIVE with the event attendees at "The Spirit of Endurance," a community gathering to raise money for the IRONMAN Foundation featuring Mike Reilly, “Voice of IRONMAN”; Hunter Allen, renowned cycling coach; and Meredith Atwood, coach, podcaster and motivational speaker. This event takes place at NormaTec headquarters in Watertown, MA.
Listen to prior podcast with the Voice of IRONMAN, Mike Reilly here on Episode 46.
New Book: Finding My Voice - Buy here
Mike Reilly is the official “Voice of IRONMAN” worldwide and the only person to have been inducted into the IRONMAN Hall of Fame, the USA Triathlon Hall of Fame and the Running USA Hall of Champions. He has been involved in endurance sports for over 40 years and is one of the most prominent personalities in the field. Reilly has called over 400,000 athletes across finish lines with his iconic phrase, “You are an IRONMAN!” and countless hundreds of thousands more in other triathlon and running events. Over his thirty years of announcing he’s listened to hundreds of stories from athletes, race directors, families and volunteers and, now, at long last, he’s gathered the most compelling of these stories into his long-awaited book, “MIKE REILLY: Finding My Voice”.
Learn more about Mike and the book at at https://mikereilly.net/
New Book: Training and Racing with a Power Meter - Buy here
Website: http://www.peakscoachinggroup.com/
Widely known as one of the top experts in the world in coaching endurance athletes using power meters, Hunter Allen is a legendary cycling coach, co-author of “Training and Racing with a Power Meter” and “Cutting-Edge Cycling”, co-developer of TrainingPeaks’ WKO+ software, and founder of Peaks Coaching Group. Hunter has traveled to over 20 countries and taught thousands of cycling coaches and riders the principles of power training. Hunter is a USA Cycling Level 1 coach, was the 2008 BMX technical coach for the Beijing Olympics and has taught the USA Cycling Power Certification Course since 2005. A former professional cyclist on the Navigators Team, Hunter has been coaching endurance athletes since 1995, and his athletes have achieved more than 2000 victories and numerous national, world championship titles and Olympic Medals. Hunter is known as the “Coaches Coach” and frequently has coaches from around the world consulting with him to learn more about the latest in cycling and triathlon training principles. He is a sought after consultant for many endurance oriented tech companies and has worked with numerous companies to develop products for the cycling world, including the Leomo Type-R and the ICG indoor bike, the IC8.
Website: www.race-mania.com
The RACE-MANIA Summit & Expo is designed to educate, equip and inspire endurance athletes on the eve of a new season. Triathletes, runners, cyclists and swimmers are offered a full day of informative seminars, hands-on clinics & workshops, competitive events, an expo with 85+ exhibitors and more. This year's event took place on 3/24/19, at the BU Fit Rec Center in Boston, MA.
Follow Race Mania on Social:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RaceManiaExpo/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/intent/follow?source=followbutton&variant=1.0&screen_name=RaceManiaExpo
Instagram: http://instagram.com/racemaniaexpo/
The IRONMAN Foundation creates positive, tangible change in race communities through grant funding and volunteerism. "We are athletes. We are volunteers. We are givers. We are on a mission to create change in countless lives in race communities. We “Give Globally and Act Locally” by providing grant funding and service project opportunities around the world in partnership with local nonprofit organizations. We are in 64 national and international race communities creating positive impact with our local nonprofit partners. In 2018, the IRONMAN Foundation distributed more than $1.7 million to 1,400 organizations worldwide."
Website: https://ironmanfoundation.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IronmanFoundation
Twitter: https://twitter.com/IMF_Foundation
Instagram: http://instagram.com/im_foundation
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk3WjqzeJihLYY1BZ844zZA
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The Year of No Nonsense
Triathlon for the Every Woman:
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Web: http://www.swimbikemom.com
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Email: same24hourspodcast@gmail.com
Host & Production: Meredith Atwood
Intro: Carl Stover Music
Copyright 2017-2020, 2021 All Rights Reserved, Meredith Atwood, LLC